Submit About

Tournament Structure

Like the first Stamina Showcase, there will be two separate rounds: the Qualifying and the Final Round. After submission deadlines are closed for a round, the files will be independently judged with the results being posted on this site when ready. The structure of each round is as follows:

Qualifying Round

This is the initial round, which is open for submissions from anyone. From the announcement of this tournament, there will be a one month submission period in which any time before the deadline an entrant can submit simfiles anonymously. The amount of submissions is limited to three files with a minimum of one. Each file will be judged independently of one another and submitting more than one file will not give the entrant an advantage other than having a second or third chance to impress the judges. After judging is finished, scores will be weighted with the highest scoring file earning the maximum amount of points, 100, and the results will be posted on a new page on this site after the verification of the identities of those who submitted files. Prizes for this round will be distributed immediately after judging is finalized for this round.

Final Round

The second and final round for the tournament will consist of the top 25% scoring entrants (Maximum 10) from the Qualifying Round. The top 25% entrants specifically refers to the individuals submitting the files, not the files themselves. If an entrant had multiple files in the top 25%, their highest scoring file will be taken into account and the others will be removed from consideration until the top 25% of individuals are chosen. In the case of a tie score on the cutoff of the qualifying round, judges will deliberate and choose a tiebreaker. For the final round, the entrant must only submit one file anonymously. In addition to the points scored by judging the final submission, there will be additional weighting of the files as done above (out of 100), on top of a 20% weight of the entrant’s highest scoring Qualifying Round submission. For example, an entrant who scored 60 points in the first round after weighting and a 100 in the final round will receive a 92 (60*0.2 + 100*0.8). This is to encourage high effort files in both rounds.

In both rounds, failure to identify your simfile after the judging period will result in the disqualification of the file. If foul play is involved e.g. submitting more than three files and only claiming three at a later date, the entrant involved will be permanently banned from all future events.

Grading Structure

The files will be judged individually by the judges, with no communication with each other about individual scores until the final score tally. The files will be judged on the following criteria:

Patterning (out of 10)

As these are stamina files, patterning in streams is incredibly important to a file's success. Fun may be subjective, but many traits such as consistency (certain sounds having certain patterns) and appropriate patterning (knowing when to anchor, when to box etc.), as well as avoiding awkward and incorrect patterns (double-steps, long towers) can be objectively scored.

Chart Structure (out of 5)

This involves the structure of the chart and how it goes to the music. A good chart goes to the music well, with consistent structure and repetition when necessary. Adding stream when there is supposed to be stream, having break when there is supposed to be break, and not streaming where there was previously no stream unless it is absolutely called for will help an entrant here. Rhythms and progression will also be taken into account, e.g. a more intense version of a previous chorus may call for harsher patterning.

Presentation (out of 5)

This involves judging the entire package of the file and evaluating its value. This means things like replayability, professionalism, the “mood” of the file vs. the song choice, etc. While song choice will not be harshly judged, it is impossible to determine a file's quality without taking it into consideration. A 21 minute dump file to the My Little Pony soundtrack may have good patterning and structure, but there is something left to be desired in the presentation aspect of that example. Song choice will be severely judged if a file already has popular steps (e.g. a sharpnel file). This is where technically incorrect things, such as incorrect rhythms, hold notes that are too long, unnecessary 24ths etc. will be docked points.

The lowest out of the four judges’ scores will be dropped, leaving the final total point value before weighting to be 60. Judges are allowed to submit, but they must give their own files a 0/20 during the judging process, effectively dropping their own scores.

Submission Guidelines

As this event is tailored around stamina simfiles, certain guidelines must be put into place to determine what is stamina. These differ by BPM.

BPM Minimum Difficulty Minimum Step Count Minimum Length
130 BPM 13 2500 Steps 7:00 Minutes
140 BPM 13 2500 Steps 7:00 Minutes
150 BPM 13 2500 Steps 6:00 Minutes
160 BPM 14 2500 Steps 6:00 Minutes
170 BPM 15 2750 Steps 5:00 Minutes
180 BPM 15 3000 Steps 5:00 Minutes
190 BPM 16 3250 Steps 4:00 Minutes
200 BPM 16 3500 Steps 4:00 Minutes
210 BPM 17 3250 Steps 4:00 Minutes
220 BPM 18 3000 Steps 3:00 Minutes
230 BPM 19 2750 Steps 3:00 Minutes
240 BPM 21 2500 Steps 3:00 Minutes

Files with multiple BPMs must meet these requirements at the BPM in which the majority of the BPM lies, i.e. a 7 minute file that is 3 minutes of 130 and 4 minutes of 200 would qualify based on the song being 7 minutes long. In the case that a file has 20th, 24th or 32nd note stream for its majority, use the guidelines above adjusting the base BPM to be as if the stream was 16ths.

These requirements will be checked for algorithmically at the time of grading. Malicious attempts to circumvent these requirements will be logged and will result in a permanent ban on participating in future events. In the event that a file is non-maliciously rated incorrectly, we will rerate it and determine whether or not it then meets the guidelines.

While these are requirements, we encourage entrants to go above and beyond them in order to make a hard hitting stamina file. At the end of the day, people can feel for themselves what is a stamina file and what isn’t. If it meets the requirements but doesn’t feel like a stamina file, then it most likely isn’t one.

Furthermore, this event requires original work, specifically the entrant's original work. This means that any file submitted must have not been submitted to any other public pack or tournament previously. It can also not copy or borrow any of the patterning from previous charts released to the public. Passing off someone else’s chart as your own will cause your file to be disqualified. Collaborating with another entree and submitting work on behalf or in collaboration with them will result in disqualification of both entrants submissions. In the event that metadata is spoofed in order to meet the requirements above, the file will be disqualified.

More information on the actual submission process can be found on the submission page.