Stamina Showcase 3 is Here!
To celebrate the stamina community, we've come back with another simfile competition based around the art of charting stamina files. This is a great opportunity for the community to show their stepping chops and for participants to gain invaluable feedback from the event judges. With the competition comes the opportunity to win real monetary prizes as well as the opportunity to win the admiration and respect of your peers. Stamina charting is ever evolving, which means the criteria and methods of simfile competitions has as well. There are differences between the judging for this event and the last, so make sure to read more info about the rules and submission process!
These events are also a great place to get started with stepcharting. By participating in this tournament, not only will a chart be given free publicity, but the submitter may learn valuable feedback in the skill that is making stamina files. Given the judges' experience in the field of stepcharting, each critique for each individual file will help to explain the nuance that is stepping. This is a great opportunity for us all to share and create better stamina together.
There will be $200 in prizes handed out over two rounds of judging. By entering the event you are automatically eligible for said rewards. As prizes are directly funded by the event organizers, there is no entry fee associated with the event.
FINALS - $200
Stamina Showcase 3 has four judges, each with a long list of qualifications including previously scoring well in the events ran by Stamina Nation. Click on an image below to see their own stamina resume:

He has also used his various roles in the community (Developer of Groovestats, Director of ECS, and a judge for Stamina Showcase) to help promote up and coming simfile artists and encourage the proliferation of fun, challenging stamina files.

He's also one of the few step artists to delve into the realm of doubles stamina and for the past few years has made it a focus with Squirrel Metal, 8-Panel Through the Ages, and Eurobeat Is Fantastic: Doubles Stage.

He perfected his craft looking at Archi and Zaia's stepcharts which explains his stepping style: trying to make a visual impact on the player while staying as fair and comfortable as he can be. It is the second time he has been appointed as a judge for a stepping competition.

His understanding of following music with patterning while keeping player comfort in mind allows him to write content far above his actual skill ceiling as a player. Despite being stuck on 13s as a player for 3 years now, he's written charts such as Stolz, Portal of I (Continuous Mix) Part 3, and Condemnation Wings.